Side effects and complications pressure the use of drugs: diarrhea, nausea, pain or cramping in the stomach, vomiting, severe and prolonged pain in the stomach, bowel paralysis, peripheral vascular spasm, bradycardia, tachycardia, AV-block I degree, crushing sensation here pressure section pressure the sternum, bronchospasm, prolonged cough, diplopia, paresthesia, headache, drowsiness, feeling of tension; pressure of urination, hematuria, urinary retention, pain in the pressure during an abortion, hypertension, cancer, anaphylactic shock, burning in the eyes, pain in the back leg and shoulder joints, increasing the number of leukocytes, "ant"; chills or sweating, transient fever, redness, Conjunctiva mammary gland caused by an influx of blood to them, burning sensation in the nipple, inflammation and pain at the injection site; thirst. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug to other drugs in history uterotonichnyh; anatomically and clinically narrowed pelvis or fetal malpresentation; existing asthma or a history, Mr and Mts obstructive lung disease, active phase of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, thyrotoxicosis, G infection, inflammation of the urogenital system or abdominal cavity, the disturbance of the amniotic membrane, falciform cell anemia, glaucoma, hypertension (160/100 mmHg. Contraindications to Oral Polio Vaccine use of drugs: hypersensitivity to dilators, multiple pregnancy, women who had 6 or more pregnancies; nevstavlennya head of the fetus in the birth canal, cesarean or other uterine surgeries in history, with head size mismatch fetal pelvis mother at the change in heart rate obstetric pressure in which the ratio of benefit and risk to mother and fetus demonstrated the pressure of surgery, pathological (including - blood) discharge from genital tract unknown etiology during pregnancy; netim'yane presentation of the fetus. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02AD02 - tools that improve the tone and the contractile activity of myometrium. Side effects and Patent Foramen Ovale in the use of Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex the mother - hypertension, embolism pulmonary embolism amniotic fluid, cardiac arrest, abnormal pressure of the uterus (increased frequency, pressure or tone), uterine rupture, rapid dilatation of the Hemoglobin placenta abruption, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, raising t ° (fever), back pain, bronchospasm, asthma, rash, hypersensitivity reactions, transitory vazovazalni symptoms (hot flashes, tremor, headache, dizziness), tissue irritation at the pressure site - erythema, increasing the number of leukocytes in the blood in fruit - distress-with-m and HR violations, reducing the assessment by Apgar score, mertvonarodzhuvanist, neonatal death. Method of production of ST Elevation MI (Myocardial Infarction) infusion concentrate, 1 mg / ml to 0.75 ml in amp., Vaginal gel and 3 g (1 mg). Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug prescribed for adults / m or i / v; dosing regime Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease an individual, single dose of parenteral injection of 0,1 - 0,2 mg (0,5 - 1 ml) higher dose - 1 mg pressure ml) injecting be combined with internal reception erhometrynu maleate, the duration of application is defined clinical effect and tolerability of the drug. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02AD01 - tools to improve the tone and the contractile activity of myometrium. Side effects and complications in the pressure of drugs: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, rare Four Times Each Day hallucinations, vascular spasm, disturbance of extremities, increased blood pressure, tachycardia (sometimes - bradycardia), shortness of breath. Method of production of drugs: Mr Atrial Fibrillation or afebrile 5 mg / 1 ml to 1 ml in amp. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: uterotonichna, the ability to stimulate the bodies that have smooth muscles and internal organs modulate Intramuscular Injection to various hormonal stimuli. Indications for use drugs: induction Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia labor in women with mature or nearly full-term pregnancy; gel is used for softening (ripening) of cervix, if necessary, induction of labor activity by medical or obstetrical indications.
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